MATURE students from Durham University's Stockton campus who cope with the demands of juggling finances and family commitments with their studies have been celebrating their achievements.

Local students attending a one day a week foundation programme for women took part in a special ceremony this week, which they hope will inspire other women to follow their lead.

Among the prizewinners was Linda Pickering, of Billingham. For 35 years, the mother and carer for some of her extended family members has worked as youth worker and a volunteer at Billingham International Folklore Festival.

Inspired by her children's talk of university life, she decided she wanted to try it herself. She has overcome personal and health problems to complete the foundation programme, and is now to study for a degree in human sciences.

The foundation course was introduced three years ago and more than 100 students have so far completed the course successfully.

For details of the course call (01642) 335320