Q I am on Income Support (IS) and have to visit the hospital for regular treatment. My daughter always drives me there, so I never claim a travelling allowance because I have no tickets to show. Is this right?

A Being on IS means you can get your travel costs to hospital reimbursed. This includes the cost of petrol up to the price of the public transport fare.

Q When my husband died recently the DSS gave me Income Support (IS) of £41.35 on top of my Retirement pension of £37.10. Then my pension went up to £86.38 and I lost my IS. I have been getting full rebates but what will I now have to pay on my rent and Council Tax?

A Now your income is above your IS level of £78.45, you will have to make part payments. An extra £5 approx on your rent and £1.50 approx on your Council Tax each week.

Q Out of my weekly wages of £188 net I must pay £50 maintenance to my ex-wife. Can this be taken into account if I claim a rebate on my rent of £42.35 and my Council Tax?

A No. You would only get a rent rebate if your wages were less than £122 a week and a Council Tax rebate if you were having to pay more than £1352 a year.

Q My son gave up his job three months ago because of the stress it was causing. He has had no income since then. What can he claim from the DSS?

A Incapacity Benefit if he has paid enough National Insurance. Income Support if he has not.

Q My wife and I get Income Support of £15.68 to top up our pensions. Could I qualify for a rebate on my rent of £43.65 a week and Council Tax of £575 a year?

A I am perplexed! People on Income Support should get full rent and rate rebates. Unless, that is someone who could be expected to pay a share lives with them. You must get the DSS to sort this out with your Council.

Q Being profoundly deaf I have bought a hearing aid from a private specialist. I know I cannot get any help with this specifically but is there any benefit help available?

A Some deaf people are able to claim Disability Living Allowance if their condition requires them to seek help from another person