COUNCILLORS are being urged to refuse permission for a health club company to almost double the car parking spaces at a new fitness club.

The Bannatyne Fitness health club, on the site of the former bus depot in Haughton Road, Darlington, was given permission for 85 parking spaces. It now wants to increase the figure to 150.

Darlington Borough Council's planning applications committee will be told on Wednesday that it must take into account national and local planning policy.

It was deemed by a planning inspector that the Haughton Road site is accessible by transport other than motor vehicles.

Councillors will be recommended to refuse the application in the light of the inspector's comments.

Bannatyne Fitness is recruiting 40 staff at the new club.

The recruits will train at Bannatyne Fitness clubs throughout the North-East before taking up their posts next spring.

The development will include a 20-metre swimming pool and a fully equipped cardiovascular gymnasium. It is being built at a cost of £3m and will be Bannatyne Fitness's seventh health club in England.