POLICE are objecting to plans to extend the opening hours for two pubs over fears of increased disturbances.

The Stoney Oak pub, in Billingham, Teesside, and Yates's Wine Lodge, in Stockton High Street, have applied to Stockton Borough Council to extend their opening times from 11pm to midnight on a Friday and Saturday.

But police believe extending the licences will add to further trouble in the areas around the pubs.

In the past year, there have been 13 assaults connected to the Stoney Oak, a theft, one incident of public disorder and an incident of harassment.

In a letter to the council's licensing committee, on behalf of the police, solicitor Gerard Tompkinson says: "The Stoney Oak premises do cause the police some concern. The police would not wish, at this stage, to see the hours of operation extended with the possibility and potential that such events will increase."

Residents have also objected to the plans for the pub, which is located in the middle of a residential area.

The site of Yates's Wine Lodge, 100 yards from the junction of the High Street and Yarm Lane, is already one of concern to the police.

In a separate letter to the licensing committee, Mr Tompkinson says: "The police regard the area as the major site for public disorder within Stockton, and feel that any extension to this public entertainment licence will have the potential to worsen the problems already experienced in policing this area."

A decision will be given on both plans at a meeting of the licensing committee tomorrow