A DISPLAY of ten tapestries made by artists from County Durham went on display at the Durham Light Infantry (DLI) gallery in Durham City, at the weekend.

Other pieces of work by artists from the Association of Weavers, Spinners and Dyers are also being exhibited at the newly refurbished gallery.

All the art is the work of northern guild members based at Stanley, Pelton, Newton Hall, Barnard Castle, Durham, Trimdon, Bearpark, Ferryhill, Chilton and Durham's German twin town of Tubingen.

Also being displayed is the fruit of a year-long residency of artist Simon Parish at Durham Cathedral.

His large canvasses, which express his interest in architectural forms, also went on show at the weekend.

The artist focuses on observations of people drawn to the world heritage site.

Mr Parish follows a long line of artists-in-residence, the first of whom was appointed in 1983.

The dli gallery, at Aykley Heads, Durham City, is open every day from 10am.