TODAY is the last day for people in Ferryhill to comment on the draft version of the town's community appraisal.

The document, unveiled two weeks ago, identifies more than 100 areas for action in the town.

It has been available for inspection at the library and the town hall, but consultants said last night they had received very little feedback.

Consultant Paul Moppit said: "I would like to assume that is a good thing, because we have actually taken people with us through the process.

"What we have done is pull together things that people have had ideas about in groups or as individuals.

"We are coming more and more round to being aware that the process is at least as important, if not more important, than the document you end up with, however thick, glossy, or colourful."

Mr Moppit and his colleagues will be telephoning members of the fledgling Ferryhill Community Partnership, and other interested parties, to gather any final comments.

If all goes according to plan, the finished document should be ready for publication by the end of next week.