A COUNCILLOR who lives within feet of a phone mast has disputed claims that it is causing health problems for children at a nearby school.

Councillor Stan Kaiser, of Coniscliffe Road, Hartlepool, where the phone company Orange has a mast, is challenging allegations that children at West Park Primary School are four times as likely to have concentration problems, and 50 per cent more prone to skin problems than others.

The claims, based on research published in a Sunday newspaper, are being used by anti-mast campaigners as evidence that they should be banned from areas near schools.

Coun Kaiser claimed that the mast at West Park, for which permission for an extension was denied by planners last month, does not pose a risk.

He said: "There is no scientific evidence that masts create health problems in any form, although there is some evidence that the extensive use of mobile phones held to the face can cause skin problems, ear drum problems and possibly other such difficulties."

Coun Kaiser, who has a science degree, said sensible precautions to eliminate even potential risks were being taken by Hartlepool Borough Council.
