POLICE have reported progress in their search to find a missing North-East teenager.

Lisa-Marie Perry, 17, of Lanchester, County Durham, was reported as being spotted in Durham City on Sunday, October 29, following her disappearance the previous Thursday.

And detectives are also trying to trace a man aged in his late teens or early 20s who was seen with Lisa-Marie a few days before she went missing, on Monday, October 23, in Durham's Market Place.

They have admitted to becoming "increasingly concerned" about her and made a fresh appeal for information about her whereabouts last night.

The latest sighting of her was outside the Kofi Shop cafe in Durham's North Road between 4pm and 6pm on Sunday, October 29.

The man she was with in the market place on Monday, October 23, was slightly taller than her and had his arm around her.

Lisa-Marie lives with her mother and stepfather in Burnhopside Avenue, Lanchester. She lived in Toledo, Ohio, USA until she was 13 and speaks with an American accent. She may use her natural father's surname of Applegate.

She is 5ft 5in, of average build, and has a fair complexion with brown, straight, shoulder-length hair and grey-green eyes. She has distinctive red-framed spectacles. Anyone with any information is asked to call Consett police on (01207) 504204.