YOUNG people are to be given their say on decisions affecting their Wearside community, under a flagship project.

The Youth Participation Project also allows those aged 11 to 21 to voice their views on regional and national decisions affecting their lives.

It is based at Pennywell's Neighbourhood Centre, in Sunderland, and comes as part of a four-year action plan.

Youngsters will be taught a range of skills including communication techniques, confidence-building and assertiveness training.

Development worker Kirk Green said: "It's great to see a project like this available to young people in the area.

"Hopefully it will contribute to the continuing development of the community.

"Most importantly, it gives young people a say in this development.

"Giving young people the opportunity to have a more active role within an organisation can give them increased responsibility. It can also lead to them becoming better decision makers in their adult lives."

The project is funded through the Single Regeneration Budget and charity Save The Children.

It was launched earlier this week to coincide with National Youth Workers' Week.