A COUPLE who eloped after only six weeks together celebrated 65 years of marriage at the weekend.

In a romance straight from the pages of a novel, Les and Rose Robson, married in 1935 at Bishop Auckland register office on Armistice Day - on the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month.

"They say marry in haste and repent at your leisure, but that's not always true," said Les, 86.

He met his wife at a dance in Hunwick when his dancing partner failed to turn up. "There was a girl standing on her own doing nothing, so I asked her to dance. Six weeks later and we were married. The whole marriage cost us £1.76, including the ring.

"We managed to keep the marriage secret for 12 weeks, but one day Rose went to her sister's house and took her glove off and the wedding ring fell out.

"I came home from work thinking I would have to tell my parents.

"I said, 'There's something I have to tell you.' But my father said, 'Too late, son, I already know'.

"Rose's mother had come round to my house and said to my parents, 'Are you aware your son has married my daughter?'"

The couple, who live in Bishop Auckland, have two children, six grandchildren and four great-grandchildren.

Rose, 87, and her husband now wish to trace one of the witnesses at their unconventional wedding.

Les said: "When we got to the register office it dawned on us we didn't have any witnesses.

"I saw a lad I knew in town and asked him, and Rose managed to dig out a friend called Mary Jane Lambert, who we haven't seen since. We'd like to know if she's still alive."