A GROUP of Teesside youngsters is launching an around-Britain shopping trip to raise funds for a centre treating hundreds of multiple sclerosis sufferers.

The centre at South Bank, near Middlesbrough, needs £1,200 a week to stay operational. Members of Middlesbrough Rotaract are going to drive more than 2,000 miles to buy home-grown products - travelling to get cider in Devon, mint cake from Kendal, a stick of rock from Blackpool, tarts from Bakewell, cheese in Wensleydale; a lucky horseshoe from Gretna Green, and jet from Whitby.

The group must return to Middlesbrough within 48 hours with their shopping complete, and receipts for each item.

The shopping challenge is being launched in January. Organiser Phil Barker said: "You might think they could get some of the items they need from elsewhere - say by popping to a supermarket - but we've organised it in such a way that no one can get round the rules.

"Every item has to have proof of purchase with it, and we are asking for the local newspaper to be brought back from every place they go shopping, as proof.''

MS Centre coordinator Alan Sharp said: "Organisations like ours, which don't qualify for Lottery money, are finding it increasingly difficult to attract from other sources. We are all the more grateful for help from groups including Rotaract.'