A SMALL North-East community yesterday gathered together to remember seven local men who gave their lives in defence of their country.

The names of seven men from Winston, in Teesdale, who were killed during the Second World War, have been listed on a plaque which was unveiled at a Remembrance service on Sunday.

Although the village hall in Winston was built in memory of all those who gave their lives during the conflict, a memorial for the seven local casualties was never put up in the village church.

To mark the occasion, two buglers from C (DLI) Company, the Tyne-Tees Regiment, stationed at Bishop Auckland, sounded the Last Post and Reveille during the service.

Relatives and friends of the fallen men travelled from across the globe to pay tribute during the unveiling.

Those included on the memorial are Private Leslie Brown, Private George Dickinson, Private Albert Edward Layton, Private George Cecil Layton, merchant seaman Henry Lowson, Private Harold Organ and Lance Corporal James Arnott Sisson.