A WORKERS' co-operative which faced closure five years ago has blossomed into a successful company.

Teesdale Garden Crafts, which employs disabled people at its depot in Stainton Grove, near Barnard Castle, was on the verge of folding in 1995 when Euro funding ran out. But members refused to accept defeat and when it was no longer under the auspices of Durham County Council, the group re-formed as a co-operative.

Their determination has paid off with the company now comfortably staying afloat.

The company does not operate as a charity and the goods it produces, as well as an allowance for providing occupational day care for the workers, generate income.

They have already made several millennium seats for villages around the dale, as well as producing gates, pergolas, candlesticks, fruit bowls and bird tables.

Harry Dick, of Teesdale Garden Crafts, said: "People come to us because we offer individuality in both taste and size."

To contact the company, telephone (01833) 631772