A COMMUNITY leader has condemned vandals for wrecking children's play areas.

Hooligans in Eaglescliffe have caused so much damage that pieces of equipment have had to be removed from play areas because their condition is unsafe, and the repair costs high.

A roundabout, which cost nearly £500, had to be removed from a playground in Leven Close, and the area made safe.

Egglescliffe Parish Council, which says it will take at least two years to replace the roundabout with simpler equipment, has appealed in a newsletter to residents to report vandals to Cleveland Police.

It says: "Please help the parish council to reduce the costs to you the ratepayers, whilst providing the children with safe, enjoyable play areas, by reporting any vandalism to the police."

Ian Bewley, chairman of the parish council, said: "It is the small ones who suffer when it happens. We have gone to great lengths to make sure the play areas are safe and are regularly inspected, but despite our best efforts this happens.