INTERPISE 2001 - Technologies for the Future continues to gain momentum.

The major business partnering event to be staged by County Durham Development Company (CDDC) at County Hall, Durham, next March is attracting regional supporters of a high order.

Focusing on the key sector of knowledge-based technologies for the future, the event echoes the Regional Economic Strategy's goal of "building a diversified, knowledge driven economy by establishing an entrepreneurial culture".

The format of scheduled 30-minute meetings with potential commercial partners will provide an ideal forum for businesses to exchange ideas and to explore areas of co-operation.

Prominent among the event's regional supporters is RTC North. Established in 1989 as part of a national network of regional technology centres, RTC North now operates as an independent organisation delivering a range of quality technology transfer services to regional, national and international clients.

Judy Power, joint ventures manager at RTC North, said: "RTC North is an active supporter of Interprise 2001 because this type of event helps raise the profile of the region in the international marketplace.

"Promoting the North-East of England as a vibrant environment in which to nurture know-how is right at the heart of RTC North's mission.

"One of the key benefits of participating in Interprise 2001 will be the opportunity to meet like-minded companies from all over the world, facilitating the exchange of ideas and encouraging the use of new and innovative technologies in everyday applications.

"By promoting the event to regional companies RTC is helping to create international links in the North East."

Phil Eadon, marketing director at CDDC, said: "We are delighted to have the support of RTC North.

"Although Interprise 2001 will be held in Durham we see it as an event of regional, national and international significance and RTC North's participation will help us bring the event to the attention of the widest possible audience."

Meanwhile law firm Eversheds has also pledged its support to Interprise 2001 is Eversheds.

With offices in twelve UK cities and seven elsewhere in Europe, Evershed's is the largest law firm in the UK and provides the full range of business law services - corporate, commercial, commercial property, litigation and dispute management, and employment.

The company has multi-disciplinary teams that focus on specific industry sectors, enabling it to provide the most effective legal solutions.

Vaughan Jones, head of the high technology team at the North-East office, said: "Eversheds is delighted to be supporting an event which will further raise the profile of the knowledge-based industries in the north east.

"They are fundamental to the present and future prosperity of our region, to which Eversheds is already fully committed."

Full details of Interprise 2001 can be found on the event's web-site,