A MOTHER was raped by a stranger who dragged her into his home and subjected her to a horrifying ordeal, a court heard yesterday.

The 25-year-old said that she was walking through the streets at 3.30am when stranger David Smith, 21, asked her if she would like to play on his computer.

The mother-of-two said she declined, saying that she was going to visit a friend.

But she claimed that on her return trip, Smith, of Alexandra Street, Shildon, County Durham, pounced, dragging her by the hair into his house.

She wept as she told a jury that he pushed her down on to the floor and forced her into a sex act before raping her twice. She said; "When I first saw him in the street he asked me if I wanted to go on his computer.

"I told him that I couldn't. He said that he was off his head, that he had taken four pills that night.

"Later, when I was walking back someone pulled me by the hair into a house. It was so quick I did not know what was going on.

"I fell into him, and it was the man from the street. He pushed me into the living room and I was on the floor."

Following a sickening ordeal, the woman said that she ran from the house with her underwear around her ankles.

She stopped in the street, looked back and saw that he was not following, and adjusted herself.

She went to a friend's house, where she was staying the night, and told her she had been raped.

The next morning, her friend put all the clothes she had been wearing into a freezer bag and they called the police.

Prosecutor Shaun Dodds said that when Smith was arrested he claimed that after his computer invitation, she knocked on his door, then gave him sex.

Smith denies two charges of rape and an indecent assault on May 7.

The trial continues.