A MAN was stabbed when he tried to stop two youths tampering with his car.

The 35-year-old was at home in Coltsfoot Gardens, Windy Nook, Gateshead, at 1.20am yesterday when he heard a noise outside.

He found the youths trying to break into his Ford Escort car and was stabbed when he confronted them.

The victim suffered two superficial cuts to the left side of his stomach and was allowed home after hospital treatment.

The youth who carried out the stabbing was aged about 16, 5ft 8in, thin, with short brown hair, dark eyes, a long face and thin nose. He wore a three-quarter-length red coat and dark jeans. His accomplice wore a baseball cap.

Police want to hear from anyone who saw the youths in Coltsfoot Gardens, or who recognises their descriptions.

Contact Gateshead East CID on 0191-454 7555.