ORGANISATIONS in Darlington are being invited to contribute to the town's community carnival.

Next year will be the 19th Darlington Community Carnival. The theme will be exploration and discovery. It will be followed by an afternoon of entertainment, with charity stalls in Stanhope Park.

There will also be an evening event at Darlington Arts Centre, and the culmination of the carnival will be a musical event in the Market Square next day.

The main aim of the carnival, on June 30 and July 1, is to provide an opportunity for the expression of the creativity of Darlington's schools, youth and community groups.

Each year money is raised for a charity that works locally. Next year's event will support The Alzheimer's Society.

Local businesses or organisations wishing to make a financial contribution can contact Paul Geldart on (01325) 251226 or (07811) 419343