A TEAM of temporary workers will clear a backlog of maintenance work in a town's parks.

Hartlepool Borough Council is planning to create five permanent posts and a number of temporary jobs to deal with repair jobs in recreation grounds, bowling greens, church yards and play areas around the borough.

It is hoped this proposal will free the permanent team to concentrate on maintenance. Some flower beds may also be removed to cut down the workload of the full-time workers.

Council leader Arthur Preece said: "We have already invested a lot of money in increased mechanisation of the cleansing service and these latest proposals would complement that."

The proposed improvements which would cost £300,000 will be decided upon at a council meeting at the end of the month.

There are also plans to create teams of workers for different public areas with localised managers.

Head of direct services Dave Stubbs said: "If workers have responsibilities for a particular part of the town then they develop a pride for that area and the public get to know them."