IT is Brompton's turn tonight to thrash out the impact of the floods last month with the agencies involved.

About 30 villagers attended a meeting of the parish council a fortnight ago, demanding to know why their properties had been hit so badly.

As a result, the local administration has arranged a meeting at 7pm in the village hall to discuss the matter.

About 200 homes were affected by the floods and the village primary school was closed, with children sent elsewhere for lessons.

Damage is estimated at about £2m, and people whose homes were flooded are worried that they will struggle to find companies prepared to insure their homes, while the value of property in the area plummets.

Questions likely to arise tonight include why no improvement work appears to have been carried out at Bow Bridge since the last floods in 1979, and why promised holding dams have not been constructed so far.

There has also been criticism of the district council, which has been accused of being too slow with the distribution of sandbags, and an emergency telephone number that was out of date.

Others residents have pointed out that no military personnel were available to help in Brompton, although they were sent elsewhere.

Some are claiming that police switchboards they called for help were also unmanned.