Cartoonists from the adult comic The Viz have been called on by The Samaritans to assist with a new book that helps men cope with Christmas.

Illustrators from the Tyneside magazine were approached to create cartoons for The Bloke's Own Paper.

The pocket book offers men advice on how to deal with the holiday season.

Research by the charity revealed that nearly one-in-five people feel stressed or anxious about Christmas, and men under 35 are considered in the highest risk group for suicide.

The book is supported by comedian Sean Hughes, and musicians Phil Selway, from Radiohead, and Danny McNamara, from Embrace.

The book is to be distributed through youth clubs, school and sports clubs.

It is hoped Viz-style sketches will get young men to pick up the booklet.

Rhian Thomas, of the Samaritans, said: "Young men are expected to be strong and to cope with problems. But the reality is they are finding it very difficult to talk about their feelings and ask for help.

"We're hoping that, by taking this light-hearted approach, men will find it a bit easier to open up."

Viz editor Simon Donald said: "We were glad to get involved. The Samaritans believed we appealed to the right age group.