A SPONSORED jailbreak almost led to two pub regulars spending a night in the cells - when they were mistaken for protestors about to chain themselves to the railings of Buckingham Palace.

Lesley Mattimoe and Jadwiga Imeila were handcuffed together for the charity stunt, organised by staff and regulars at The Turbinia pub, in Newton Aycliffe, County Durham.

The pair made it to Leicester in an Asda delivery van, then thumbed a lift to Gatwick Airport where staff let them travel on one of the coaches to London.

But the suspicious pair were stopped by police at the palace and, after they had convinced officers they meant no harm, were escorted to Victoria Station where their jailbreak adventure ended.

Lesley said: "It was brilliant and we can't wait to do another one. We've never had so much fun and met so many nice people, who were putting money in our buckets."

The pair were among seven couples to set off from The Turbinia at midnight, dressed as convicts and with no money.

Turbinia owner Gary Sokell, who made it as far as the Channel Tunnel with his partner, reckons the event raised more than £1,000.

All proceeds will go to help two-year-old Luke Allen, from Newton Aycliffe, who has a chromosome deficiency, which affects his growth