PUBS and clubs in Darlington are hoping the council will give them dispensation to extend dances on Christmas Eve and New Year's Eve.

Both days fall on a Sunday this year, and most premises licensed for public entertainment have a condition attached to their licence stipulating that entertainment cannot take place after 10.30pm.

There is also a prohibition on dancing on Sundays when any charge is made for entry.

Because Christmas Eve and New Year's Eve are two of the busiest nights of the year, dozens of pubs and clubs have applied for special licences to permit later dancing.

Darlington Borough Council's licensing committee will be told on Wednesday that the Mardi Gras night club intends to run Christmas Eve and New Year's Eve events as a members' club, with admission for members and guests only.

Councillors will discuss each case on its merits and are being urged to give powers to the borough solicitor to decide on late applications.