A GOVERNMENT Minister is fast becoming "a friend" of a County Durham college which has become a pioneering sporting centre-of-excellence.

Sports Minister Kate Hoey has paid her second visit in just over a year to East Durham and Houghall Community College's sports site, at Howletch in Peterlee.

She opened the college's boxing academy in November last year, and returned on Friday to launch the country's first judo academy.

The first 15 young enthusiasts in the martial art, including seven from the North-East, enrolled in September, receiving expert guidance from national coach, former world and European champion Julian Davies.

Claire Lynch, 17, has represented Great Britain, while 16-year-old Steven Ibberton has become the youngest member of a senior national squad in the sport in this country.

Principal Ian Prescott said: "Kate Hoey has become a real friend of the college - her view is that the college should become a national centre for sport."