A SYMBOL of hope for the future is to be presented to the Mayor of Middlesbrough later this week, when she receives the Millennium Flame.

The flame, which has been on tour throughout the UK this year, will be handed over to Councillor Kath Bevington, in the mayor's parlour, at a ceremony on Wednesday.

She will keep it safe in a miner's lantern until it is used to light Middlesbrough's millennium beacon on New Year's Eve, amid a music and fireworks extravaganza.

The flame, organised by the Beacon Millennium Company, has been received by countless places and individuals over the past year, and is now concluding its journey by visiting all of the 32 Millennium Commission's beacon cities and towns.

Middlesbrough is one of the last places it will visit before its tour is complete. Each off-shoot of the main flame will be used to light millennium beacons throughout the country.

Coun Bevington said: "We will be delighted to receive the Millennium Flame from the beacon organisers.

"I can assure everyone it will be well looked after until it is needed on New Year's Eve."