VILLAGERS are demanding that plans to set up a drug and alcohol rehabilitation centre at a farm are scrapped.

About 200 people packed the Old School, at Gilling, for a meeting called to debate the project, outlined by Alpha Development and Management.

It would see beds for 12 patients established at Redcar Farm, owned by Ampleforth College.

However, the abbot, Father Timothy White, said the scheme would not go ahead unless he was convinced it had majority support.

The meeting had been called to gauge local feeling on the issue.

Father White said: "I have drawn up a charter which, if the centre is built, those running it will have to abide by. It concerns the safety of residents.''

Also on the panel was local magistrate Lady Clarissa Collin who suggested the scheme could help reduce crime.

"Something like 80 per cent of crime is committed by people with drug or alcohol problems. By setting up a centre like this, we are helping people get well,'' she said.

But local people said the unit could attract dealers and other criminals to the area.