THE wife of a life-long Sunderland supporter who died of a heart attack after seeing his side beat rivals Newcastle has suffered further misery at the hands of a robber.

Chris Hutcheon, 70, had her handbag stolen in Northern Way, Southwick, Sunderland. The widow was pushed over by the attacker, who ran off towards a churchyard.

Her bag contained personal possessions, a small amount of money and £200 in winter fuel vouchers.

Police are appealing for information about the robbery, which happened at around 6.15pm, last Thursday.

Detective Inspector John Watts, of Sunderland City CID, said: "The robber got away with her handbag, as well as the fuel vouchers, a small amount of cash, personal items and her pension book - it's a shame.

"Mrs Hutcheon suffered some fairly minor injuries, but she is OK."

Mrs Hutcheon, who is from the Southwick area, did not want to speak about her latest ordeal.

Her husband Ron, 71, died on November 18 after watching the Black Cats' derby win over Newcastle on a screen at the Stadium of Light.

His last words before collapsing were "two-one" - the game's full-time score.

Paramedics were called, but the father-of-three was dead on arrival at hospital. It is thought that the excitement of the match proved too much for the retired engine fitter.

At the time, Mrs Hutcheon said it was a comfort to know her husband had "died happy".