A HEADTEACHER is seeking to allay parents' fears following the attempted abduction of a four-year-old girl near his school.

Eddie Robinson, head of St Teresa's School, Darlington, has sent a letter to parents, reassuring them that their children are safe.

It follows the attempted abduction of a girl who was walking with her older sister to the school.

A man approached the youngsters from the direction of Geneva Road and pulled out a kitchen knife.

He tried to snatch the four-year-old, but the 11-year-old had the presence of mind to take hold of her sister and run into the school.

In his letter, Mr Robinson points out that the incident took place on the street and not in the school.

He says the school has security measures in place to ensure intruders cannot get in, and that children are supervised at all times.

If a parent is late picking up their child, the youngster is taken into the school office and looked after until the parent arrives.

Police are hunting the man who tried to snatch the girl. He is described as very tanned, with dark hair and a fringe, spotty complexion, clean shaven, wearing a black, white and red checked shirt.

Anyone with information is asked to contact police on (01325) 467681.