STAFF and residents of a nursing home have breathed a sigh of relief now they are back in their home after a six-month evacuation.

The elderly residents of Church View Residential Care Home, South Church, thought they would never get back to their home again, after it was devastated by floods.

In June, they had to be evacuated to the first floor when the river Gaunless deluged the area.

For the past six months, they have been living in a home in Newcastle, and staff have been driven to the city by bus every day.

A taxi was made available to family members who wanted to visit relatives.

Now the trauma of the past few months is over, and everyone is back in their newly-decorated home.

One resident, Doris Aitchinson, 91, said: "It's nice to be back among all the old folk.

"These people have been here a long time and they know me.

"It's beautiful. It's new and clean."

Walls have been replastered and repainted, new carpets have been put down, and a complete new kitchen, including washing machine and tumble dyer has been put in.

Manager, Jacky Lowes, said: "Every last stick in this building is brand new. It was all done through the insurance, but I would have thought it cost a fortune.

"Just nine residents are back at the moment. We are bringing them back in stages.