A COUPLE have returned from the US with renewed hope that one day they will hear their four-year-old son call them mum and dad.

Jake Burgess suffers from autism, spending his life in a world full of sound and colour but without the ability to express himself.

There is no cure available in the UK - so parents Tim and Claire, of Catterick Village, North Yorkshire, were faced with a £10,000 bill for treatment at the Options Institute, Massachusetts.

Friends and family rallied round to arrange a successful fundraising campaign and, ten days ago, the couple flew across the Atlantic for one of the most important weeks in their lives.

They returned at the weekend, fully coached in techniques which should coax Jake out of his isolation.

"It was hard work but absolutely brilliant," said Claire.

"We'll be working on a playroom for Jake now. Basically, we have to be positive and really animated - really praising him when he has been good."

But the couple still need help from friends and family - and anyone else who would like to become part of Jake's life.

Claire said: "We need a network of volunteers, willing to spend some time with him in his play room, after an amount of training in how to respond."

The couple are also hoping for sponsorship or the loan of a computer.

Claire added: "We have to stay in touch with the institute and other parents on the programme, and the Internet is the cheapest way. Ringing the experts means we incur a consultation fee - and that could be as much as $50 a time."

Anyone who can help should telephone (01748) 812431.