DETECTIVES believe masked raiders who attempted to rob a high street bank, intended to target the premises while staff were inside.

A raid on the HSBC bank, in Market Place, Barnard Castle, on Thursday, was foiled when raiders wearing ski masks failed to get through an inside security door. They fled empty handed after staff raised the alarm.

However, police believe the raid was more carefully planned than it first appeared.

It is thought the raiders tampered with the metal shutters at the rear of the premises the previous night, to enable swift access when they raided the bank.

Detective Constable Tim Gargatt said: "It was a well- planned job.

"They knew the bank shut at 4.30pm and staff did not leave until 5pm. There is no doubt they intended to break in while staff were still on the premises.

"We believe they prepared this burglary the night before, late Wednesday evening, or in the early hours of Wednesday morning, by doing something to the shutters, so it was just a matter of turning up and getting straight in."

Police are asking anyone who may have seen some suspicious activity outside the bank in the early hours of Wednesday, to come forward.

They also want to hear from people who saw men in dark clothing anywhere near the rear of the bank at about 4.50pm, or running to a vehicle "that could have been parked in nearby streets.

Contact them on (01833) 637328.