AN arrested man,who told a jury he was given "a good kicking" in a cell by a police constable and a civilian custody officer, was awarded £21,500 damages yesterday.

After the attack, Darren Watson found himself charged with assault, charges that were dropped 13 months later.

Yesterday, a jury at Middlesbrough County Court decided he had been assaulted at Stockton Police Station and had then been the victim of a malicious prosecution. When interest is added to his damages, Mr Watson will receive £24,700.

Judge Michael Taylor said that the assault by PC Paul Thrackray and the civilian, Simon Smethurst, was a gross breach of trust.

And Ian West, for Mr Watson, told the jury: "The officers were prepared to engage in perjury to see an innocent man convicted of assault because they wanted to cover their own backs."

Mr Watson, 32, of Queen's Drive, Billingham, had been arrested for alleged theft and handling stolen goods before the assault in 1996.

The court heard he was punched and kicked after buzzing non-stop for a toilet roll and a blanket.

PC Thrackray and Mr Smethurst are still employed by Cleveland Police.

Following the hearing Mr Watson said: "I just felt that something had to be done. You just can't do that to people, no matter what they've done."

His solicitor, Scott Taylor, said: "We hope it sends a message to the officers of Cleveland Police that this behaviour will not be tolerated."

Cleveland Police had denied liability. A spokesman said: "We are disappointed with the jury's decision. We will appeal."