A MOTHER who lied on oath to a murder trial jury escaped jail yesterday.

Theresa Wilkinson was a witness at the trial of three men accused of murdering scrap collector Mohammed Sharif, in June.

Yesterday, Wilkinson, 28, of Hampden Way, Thornaby, Stockton, appeared at Teesside Crown Court and admitted perjury. Judge Peter Fox QC sentenced Wilkinson to 12 months' imprisonment, suspended for two years.

Peter Johnson, prosecuting, said Wilkinson was the girlfriend of Mark Graham, one of the men accused of Mr Sharif's murder. She gave evidence according to her statement, but, on the second day, told the jury she had been lying the previous day.

She gave police no reason for lying on oath, said Mr Johnson.

At the murder trial, Graham, 24, Jonathan Embleton, 25, and Stephen Ham, 32, were jailed for life.