A TEENAGER was locked up yesterday for a crime wave in which he burgled a Catholic church and assaulted a police officer.

Dean Liddell, 18, caused £550 worth of damage after he broke into St Joseph's Church, in Langley Park, Durham City.

When questioned about his crime spree, involving theft, burglary and possession of an offensive weapon, he lashed out at police officers, leaving a detective constable with a bruised arm.

Newcastle Crown Court heard how, between June 1 and October 2, Liddell broke into a friend's home and took his PlayStation and video recorder. He stole a mobile phone and £100 from another friend, and left a 14-year-old boy so terrified he was forced to hand over his mobile phone.

He was also found to be in possession of a kitchen knife, and caused £500 worth of damage to a Renault Clio car, parked near Lanchester Valley.

Defence barrister Brian Russell told the court how Liddell was looking forward to a brighter future after pleading guilty to all charges.

Judge David Wood sentenced Liddell, of Elm Street, Langley Park, to be locked up for 12 months after pleading guilty to eight charges, including assaulting a police officer, burglary, theft, and possessing an offensive weapon