DETAILS of Christmas services in Richmond have been delivered to every house in the town.

Churches Together drew up the lists as leaflets and posters.

"It is an encouraging sign of the growing cooperation between Richmond's churches," said Patrick McCrohan, Churches Together coordinator.

Services at St Mary's Church are on Christmas Eve at 4pm, with a family crib service at 6.30pm, a traditional service of lessons and carols at 11.30pm, and a midnight Eucharist and crib blessing. On Christmas Day, there is a said Eucharist at 8am and a sung Eucharist at 10am.

At Richmond Methodist Church, Christmas Eve services are at 8am for holy communion, 10.30am for an all-age nativity service, and 6.30pm for carols and readings by candlelight. On Christmas Day, there is a family celebration at 10.30am.

St Joseph and St Francis Xavier RC Church holds Christmas Eve mass at 10am and vigil mass at 8.30pm. On Christmas Day, there will be mass at 10am but there will be no evening service.

The Zetland Christian Centre holds a 3pm Christmas Eve family service with carols by candlelight, followed by refreshments. On Christmas Day, worship is at 11am.