A WOMAN used her can of hair spray as a flame thrower when she went berserk in a housing office.

Anette Carlyon, 33, set leaflets on fire on the notice board and then approached housing officer Linda Dobson and flashed the flames inches from her face.

Dan Cordey, prosecuting, told Teesside Crown Court yesterday: "Fortunately, the mini-flame thrower ran out of fuel as Mrs Dobson screamed for help."

Carlyon pleaded guilty to arson at the Roseberry Square housing offices, in Redcar, on April 5.

Mr Cordey said that Carlyon, a mother-of-two of Rutland Close, Redcar, also picked up a bin and shattered two toughened glass windows.

Stephen Bosomworth, defending, said Carlyon was suffering from a mental health problem at the time, without knowing it.

Judge David Bryan ordered Carlyon to be detained at St Luke's Hospital, Middlesbrough