A CHRISTMAS party is being held today to celebrate the arrival of a service to help young children and their families.

Sure Start, a Government initiative being introduced in less well-off areas across the country, is being launched in the north of Washington. It aims to give under-fours the best possible start to their school careers and help their parents.

The Washington North scheme will operate from premises in Albany, Usworth, Sulgrave and Concord.

It will provide support and information for parents, new play and family learning opportunities, and specialised advice on health matters.

A toy library will be set up, along with a safety equipment store that will lend items incuding stair gates.

Parents and children will be able to call in for advice, or join groups advising on bringing up children, safety in the home, how to play with young children, healthy eating and helping children to learn.

The Christmas party for the families that will benefit from the scheme will be held in Washington's Millennium Centre, between 10am and 11am.

Sure Start programme manager Rachel Putz said: "Sure Start North Washington is keen for everyone living in the area to be involved.

"We believe it's an exciting and new departure for services for children under four. We hope the magic from the Christmas party will spread through all our activities.'