A PATIENT fixated with the Yorkshire Ripper became abusive when a nurse tried to stop him watching a television programme about serial killers, a court heard.

Andrew Hulse had been admitted to St Luke's Hospital, Middlesbrough, in October last year, Teesside Crown Court was told.

On November 16, Hulse changed channels on the television to a Channel 5 programme on serial killers.

Yesterday, Hulse, 29, of Parliament Road, Hartlepool, appeared before the court and admitted affray. Judge Peter Fox placed him on probation for two years.

Michael Bosomworth, prosecuting, said a nurse at the hospital felt it was inappropriate and dangerous for Hulse - who had a fixation with violence, killers, and, in particular, Yorkshire Ripper Peter Sutcliffe - to be watching the programme. He tried to persuade him to change channels.

Hulse became angry and abusive, and when the nurse closed the television shutters he threw the TV remote control and made comments about violence.

Mr Bosomworth said the nurses managed to calm him down and the police were called.

Philip Crayton, for Hulse, said Hulse had been returned into the community the day after the incident 13 months ago and had made good progress.