A COUNCILLOR concerned about the poor state of a town centre has invited its owners to come to the town as his guests.

Councillor Tony Moore has written to Benzion Freshwater, chairman of the Freshwater Group, asking him to pay a visit to view Newton Aycliffe town centre.

The Sedgefield borough and Durham county councillor wants to put concerns that he and residents have about the town centre to Mr Freshwater, who lives in London.

Coun Moore said: "Every time I'm in Aycliffe, people are always complaining about the town centre.

"They are concerned about the amount of charity shops there are, and having to travel all over the North-East for decent shopping.

"I believe that a town of this size, the biggest in County Durham, deserves better than this.

"So what I've done in my letter is I've invited him to join me in Aycliffe for a walk around the town centre. All we have is talk about the future, but nothing substantial or concrete."

Coun Moore said: "I'm requesting that he comes down from his ivory tower in London. He has got to come and see it for himself.

"I want him to put his cards on the table, because all we are getting is words and excuses."

A spokesman for the Freshwater Group said the invitation had not been received yet and did not wish to comment until it had arrived.