A Christmas draw run by St Cuthbert's Hospice, in Merryoaks, Durham City, has raised more than £9,000 towards the organisation's work.

The winning tickets were drawn by hospice chairman Keith Williams.

The winner of the top prize received £2,001.

Twenty other prizes were on offer in the draw, ranging from bottles of drink to cinema tickets, electrical goods, and gardening tools.

Community fundraiser Michele Iles said the winner of the first prize was delighted with the news and had pledged to return some of her winnings as a donation.

"The raffle raised a staggering profit of more than £9,000 towards the specialist care of our patients.

"We'd like to say a huge thank-you to everyone who bought and sold tickets," she said.

The draw brought in a total of £11,976 gross.

A complete list of the winning tickets is available by ringing the hospice's fundraising department on 0191-386 1170.