A TOY gun, modelled on an AK47 and capable of firing plastic bullets with enough force to pierce aluminium cans, has been banned from sale.

Articles Ltd, of Whitby, imported the three-quarter-scale replicas, sold as the Navy Seal. Now the power of the firing mechanism has come to light, the company is cooperating with North Yorkshire trading standards officers, who are instructing retailers and wholesalers to remove the toy from their shelves.

Anyone who may have bought one is urged to return it to the shop where they bought it, which should be aware of the recall.

The gun comes in three pieces and with its own carrying case.

It can look quite realistic when assembled - prompting fears it could also be used by criminals.

Trading standards chief Stuart Pudney said: "We are pleased the importer has taken responsible action in withdrawing and recalling the product.

"We are concerned that such a toy could result in injury and make for an unhappy Christmas."