A COUNCIL clerk who worked round the clock during the autumn flooding emergency has received an award.

Deborah Wooff, who works for Richmondshire District Council, was presented with an excellence in performance certificate before last week's council meeting.

Council chairman, Councillor Michael Heseltine, made the presentation.

Ms Wooff works in the Richmond offices as a clerk and typist during the day, and is on call as a duty officer one week in eight.

She was duty supervisor during the November floods, and was on-call each night of the emergency, and at the weekend, while working in the offices during the day.

Manager Donna McDermott said: "Although I asked Deborah whether she wanted to be relieved, she insisted on continuing and seeing the job through.

"Many staff volunteered to work shifts, and staff from other units assisted with filling sandbags and answering calls. I do feel, however, that to single Deborah out is appropriate.

"Over the nights and weekend, she was the voice of the council and dealt with many difficult circumstances, often with distressed callers, in a thoroughly professional way.