A PART-TIME shop assistant lost her good name after she was caught pilfering from the store where she worked.

Durham Crown Court was told suspicions were aroused after empty boxes were found around the Boots branch in Bishop Auckland.

A trap was set and assistant Kathleen Simpson was found in possession of lipsticks from the store as she left following a four-hour shift.

Her home was searched and an estimated £2,000 worth of perfume and lipsticks were recovered, Robin Patton, prosecuting, told the court.

Simpson, 50, of Farnham Close, Auckland Park, Bishop Auckland, who is of previous good character, admitted theft.

Richard Wadge, mitigating, said there was an absence of motive as she had not used the items taken, but merely hoarded them. She was "genuinely regretful" but could offer no explanation for what she did.

Recorder Graham Hyland said, given Simpson's guilty plea, previous good record and the effect on her of the court appearance, he did not feel a prison sentence was justified.

"In all other respects you are a thoroughly decent woman," he told her.

Simpson was given a two year conditional discharge and was ordered to pay £536 costs.