FOOTBALLING friends of tragic former Newcastle United striker Gary Walton are teaming up for a remembrance game next week.

The player's friends from Coundon, County Durham, are still stunned by his violent death outside a village pub in July.

Wednesday's match will launch an annual competition in his memory, played for by the two Sunday teams he turned out for after his three-year spell with the Magpies.

Gary, known as Hoss, had more than ten years with Coundon Working Men's Club and Coundon Three Tuns after leaving Newcastle in the early 1980s.

Match organiser Alan Shoulder, the Newcastle favourite who encouraged Gary to join him at St James' Park, hopes that a host of ex-players will join in the game.

Alan was one of Gary's friends who set up a memorial fund, which has so far raised £21,000 for widow, Susan, and daughters Kara, eight, and Laura, 11.

Some of the top names in North-East football, including former Magpie Chris Waddle and Middlesbrough boss Bryan Robson helped to raise £10,000 through a match at Spennymoor United's ground in September.

Alan said: "We don't intend this match to be a fundraiser. It will be a day for the whole family to enjoy in memory of Gary, who was a real family man."

The game starts at 10.30am and will be followed by a fun day with disco and karaoke in the club. For further details, contact Alan Shoulder on (01388) 601253.

Jump jockey Christopher McGrath, 23, of Brancepeth Manor Farm, Brancepeth, County Durham, has pleaded not guilty to murdering Gary and is due to face trial next month.