HOAX callers using mobile telephones to call out fire crews are finding themselves on the receiving end of a nasty shock.

Cleveland Fire Brigade was called out more than 200 times in response to false alarms made through mobile telephone calls this year.

Chief fire officer John Doyle says each false alarm can potentially risk lives by diverting fire crews and appliances away from genuine incidents.

Now the brigade is working in partnership with a range of mobile phone network providers to track down the hoaxers - and having them disconnected.

The fire chief revealed a number of hoax callers have been disconnected.

Mr Doyle said: "We are asking parents who buy their children a mobile phone for Christmas to stress the importance of using it responsibly, and to register their number with the service provider straight away.

"We treat each and every hoax call very seriously, and we'll use the powers available to us to stop this menace and make life as difficult as possible for anyone whose actions put the lives of others at risk.''

He said: "We keep a record of calls made from mobile phones, whether they're registered with their network provider when they're sold or not, and we've already disconnected a number of hoax callers.''

Meanwhile, the brigade has the cooperation of local councils and Cleveland Police in homing in on public telephone boxes with closed-circuit television cameras