PRIME Minister Tony Blair has launched the latest initiatives in the Sedgefield Borough Council Community Rangers scheme - a Smart Card and a website.

The idea is to encourage youngsters aged between five and 15 in Mr Blair's constituency to become good citizens, care for the environment and adopt a healthy lifestyle.

As an incentive, a reward scheme is being introduced where every pupil is given a Smart Card. Financial support for the scheme has been provided by British Gas.

The card will be charged with points at a terminal at each school, with points being awarded for good behaviour, healthy eating and environmental and community services.

The pupils can exchange points to pay for leisure services.

The cards also display phone numbers for Childline, the National Drugs Helpline and Crimestoppers.

Community Rangers now also has its own website, on

The site offers advice and help to youngsters on various topics, indicates where in the borough and what the Community Rangers are doing, and has competitions and opportunities available to Rangers