Users of a run-down hut on Teesside are pinning their hopes on a National Lottery grant to pay for a new building.

So many people want to use Marton Community Centre, near Middlesbrough, that many are being turned away.

The hall plays hosts to community activities, including a play group, women's institute, fitness classes and Middlesbrough Chess Club.

The centre, in Cypress Road, has reached the end of the line with repair costs rising annually, and no improvement to the quality of the building.

The local community is hoping that a bid being posted off to the National Lottery for £84,000 is successful.

Middlesbrough Borough Council has already earmarked a further £100,000, and local people have raised £12,500 through various fundraising activities, which included community centre chairman, Liberal Democrat ward councillor, Tom Mawston selling off some of his prized book collection.

"It is a portable cabin which we have had for 22 years, obtained by the Boys' Brigade, from ICI Wilton,'' said Coun Mawston.

"Our research shows the building is about 50 years old. It really has reached the end of its life.

"We have all sorts of repairs just to keep it going. It may have been suitable 20 years ago, but now we can't fit in everybody who wants to use it, and we have to turn people away.

"It's a bit of an eyesore because it has been patched up so many times.

"It will be a huge relief is the application for Lottery funding is successful," he said.

A Lottery bid in 1997 was unsuccessful but is hoping the second bid will be successful. A decision will be made in February.