PARENTS in a North-East town could face bills of up to £150 a year to send their children to school, as part of council cuts.

Darlington Borough Council is considering reducing the catchment area for school buses.

It will mean children living within three miles of their school will no longer qualify for free travel.

The proposals, along with plans to scrap concessionary bus fares for children, form part of a £250,000 cost-cutting exercise by the council.

The areas most hit by the proposals will be places such as Hurworth Comprehensive School, where 50 per cent of pupils are bussed in every day.

No one from Darlington council could be contacted for comment last night, but it is believed that the authority is planning to plough any money saved back into education in the town.

The proposals have now gone out to consultation and a decision is expected to be made in the New Year