HOARDINGS surrounding the building site of a multi-million pound development are being transformed by children's artwork.

The vision of primary schools has been called on by Durham City Council to brighten up the wooden boards around its £29m Millennium City project, in Claypath.

Nine-year-olds pupils from Kelloe, Sherburn Hill, New Brancepeth and Finchale primary schools have produced artwork on what the development - which will include a theatre and conference centre - will mean to them.

Artist Adrian Moule will include them in a giant mural on the hoardings.

Mr Moule, who worked with the youngsters in art workshops, said: "There's some excellent stuff - they have really attacked the challenge of getting across abstract ideas on big panels and have produced strong, creative ideas that are full of life.

"I was impressed by the way they worked as teams and understood the need to get across their ideas clearly.

"They designed the work and I have selected some from each school to paint on to the hoardings to get across the range of ideas.''

City council director of environmental services, John Jennings, said the council hoped youngsters would enjoy the Millennium City development.

"As future citizens, it is great to see local children's ideas, colour and enthusiasm contributing to this exciting project, months before its doors open."