THIEVES have prompted a regeneration group to ask the Home Secretary for extra police help.

Last week, thieves stole 76 Christmas lights from Marske town square. It was the first time the east Cleveland town had decorated the square after Marske Town Centre Partnership had spent months raising the £1,700 needed for the lights.

The theft was the final straw for the partnership, and following a letter to Barry Shaw, Chief Constable at Cleveland Police, a meeting was arranged to discuss escalating crime in the town.

Mike Findlay, from the town centre partnership, said he was shocked to discover that on every police shift there are just three bobbies on the beat patrolling Marske, New Marske, Saltburn and Guisborough - a situation he described as "totally inadequate".

Mr Findlay has written to Redcar MP Mo Mowlam and Home Secretary Jack Straw to ask for help to ease the vandalism and crime problems in east Cleveland.

He said: "We are being told all the time that money is being pumped in to help with crime problems, but it is not getting down to where it is needed.

"I just explained what has been happening in Marske and I asked for help."

Mr Findlay said he has written to Councillor Dave McLuckie, lead councillor for community safety with Redcar and Cleveland Borough Council, to see if a community warden scheme, operating in some parts of the borough, could be extended to Marske.

Coun McLuckie said the council is planning to introduce community wardens across the borough from April 2001 and priority will be given to areas which prove they have problems with crime, vandalism and anti-social behaviour.

"If Marske stacks up, then they will indeed be given priority."

Superintendent Steve Swales, from Cleveland Police Langbaurgh division, said there are ten officers, plus a sergeant on each shift covering east Cleveland, who work from Saltburn, Guisborough and Loftus police stations.

He said: "Of course we would all like more, but it is a matter of funding.

"We welcome any help we can get and we have been supportive of the Marske Town Centre Partnership and will continue to be so."

Cleveland Police are getting 27 new officers next year and 2002, followed by a further 27 officers the following year.